Sunday, March 30, 2008

At the gym today I came to the conclusion that Wrong by Archers of Loaf is the best workout song. It has the right combination of fast, mean and rock. I love this band in spite of the fact that they have one of the worst band names ever. I got into them around 1998 when I was in the middle of my master's program and I remember feeling slightly badass compared to my opera-listening classmates. Maybe I should have considered that an early clue that I was not going to end up an opera singer.

Speaking of AOL, years later while on tour with Breakup Breakdown we were hanging out at some bar in New Orleans after playing Checkpoint Charlies and I had a conversation with a guy about them. He was VERY into them, very drunk and also very strange. And, he was kind of following us around. We finally lost him and got back to the Dude (our van) only to find a crayon picture that looked like it had been drawn by a 5 year old under our windshield wiper. On the back of the drawing was scribbled "Archers of Loaf - Incredible!". It was... weird.


Moderator said...

I saw them in like 1996. Pretty fun band.

Don't ever listen to the Boss' "Born to Run" while on a treadmill, though. It's discouraging and you'll give up running for awhile.