Friday, May 1, 2009

Last night Allie and I went to our first game of the 2009 baseball season. As expected, our mere presence helped lead the Yankees to victory! You're welcome, Yankees.

Here are some first reactions to the NEW Yankees stadium:

-Stadium Staff...very friendly (and not in an annoying or patronizing way)
-Beer Prices are up $2 on average (BOOOOO!)
-On a clear day, the outfield is blinded by the sun
-On a windy day, balls are being gusted to home-run status
-Urinals are uncomfortably close to one another (I was shoulder to shoulder with my peeing brethren, a little familiar for my taste)

All-in-all a successful outing. In time, I'm sure we can expect to see that patina of grime we've come to welcome at our new stadium as well.