Friday, January 18, 2008

On Wednesday Jeff, Wyatt and I drove down to Philly to record Mike "Slo-Mo" Brenner playing some steel guitar on a few of our songs. For the uninitiated, Mike is a phenomenal steel player and has played with Songs:Ohia, Magnolia Electric Co. and Marah, among others. Not only is he a brilliant musician and tasteful as hell, he is also a super cool, nice guy and a musical mind reader!!! I swear. He was (at least) one step ahead of us with every idea we had. I can't say enough good things about the experience. Wyatt was incredible. He set up an Instastudio in the room we were recording in in like 15 minutes tops. Check out the pics. Also, check out Mike's band, Slo-Mo right here! It is proof that lap steel and hip hop can live in peace and harmony.

Wyatt's Instastudio

recording some pedal steel