Thursday, April 23, 2009

How are ya?

There's good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news. Anoop was eliminated last night. I can't say much more about it without getting emotional...

The good news is I have picked a new favorite - I'm now rooting for Danny Gokey. Sure, I could have taken the easy road and picked Adam but I like a good underdog. Paula thinks Gokey has a sexy voice and I do, too. Plus, I like saying Gokey.


The other good news is that I added a new header and a new feature to this blog. The new feature is a poll on the right side. Please vote! The topics for the polls will be somewhat NYC-related so I apologize to our readers in Dubai for not including them.

I hope the new header looks good on everyone's computer. If it doesn't please let me know!


Jill said...

I have a reader in Dubai. Maybe that is how you got one!

Bel Air said...

I was actually kidding about having readers in Dubai but that's awesome that you have a Dubanese (or is it Dubish?) reader. Maybe it's Dubaian.

Terri said...

"Sure, I could have taken the easy road and picked Adam"...
That means you know deep down that our heart boy will win ;-)
Gokey was my top pick back when 13 were standing on stage, but Adam became my fav..FAST!
My Aunt Dolly said at the beginning that she thought Adam looked like Wyatt. I told her no way! Aunt Dolly doesn't see Wyatt enough.
Come on Allie, get on the Lambert train!