Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've been asking myself lately- "Why do I have 22 keys on the key chain that I carry around everyday??"


I've always had a janitor style key ring and it was funny for a while but when you start to acquire back problems due to the weight it gets a little less funny.

Let the purging begin!


In the above section of the ring is a key to an EX-boyfriend's EX-car, two keys to the house that my parents sold a year ago and a key to an old Chevy Cavalier that hasn't been around since the Clinton administration. That's only a slight exaggeration. Begone with you!


In this section are two work keys and I have no idea what the rest are. Old practice space keys maybe?


No clue about any of these. In the garbage they go!


Ahh! So much better. I got rid of 11 out of 22 keys. It feels like total freedom.


Terri said...

I STILL have my Chevy Cavalier thats been around since the Clinton administration!

Bel Air said...

AWESOME! I love those cars.

Terri said...

So does Wyatt. He borrows it whenever he comes down without you, or without a rent-a-car! LOL
You don't know how bad I want a new car, but I don't go many places during the week unless it's the post office or grocery store, and it's nice to not have any car payments too!

mikki said...

I never know what to do with old keys. Is it ok to just throw them away? Can they be recycled somehow? mine are in a baggie in a drawer.

Anonymous said...

Some people like to collect keys - put them in an antique shop or sell them on ebay, or give them away to someone.