Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I came to the conclusion last night that Anoop Desai is the perfect combination of Kal Penn and Michael Cera. This probably explains why I like him so much. Harold and Kumar and Superbad are both pretty high up there on my list of favorite movies.

I like Juno, too. And, House. Anyhooz... Anoop kicked ass last night. I might have to buy this:

As for the rest of the top 11 - I like the tender dogg (Kris). He was good. Adam's Ring of Fire display was creepy and made me uncomfortable but I think that was what he was going for so, Congrats, Adam. You pulled it off. Your voice is incredible. Randy Travis seemed utterly stumped by it, though. Poor Megan was sick but more than made up for it in boobs. I voted for Anoop but I thought about voting for Scott. I really want him to stick around. I think Alexis should be eliminated, or maybe Michael Sarver.