Monday, February 4, 2008

Ok, FINE. I googled myself. Is that like a crime or something? Jeez. Aren't we all allowed a little self-indulgence here and there? Get off my back already.

Anyhoozers! I found a couple of interesting things in my search!

#1 - Another Allison Langerak! Could this be real or has someone stolen my identity? She's super cute (duh) and I like her quote "What Everr". She sounds like a chip off the old block. Check her out:

#2 - Someone in South Carolina is selling my Keyboard Magazine Article on eBay! $3.50 plus $2 shipping. That's a steal if you ask me.

Buy it now right here!


mikki said...

Are you going to get in touch with OtherAllie?

Bel Air said...

I'm a little intimidated by her, so no. I might consider bidding on my article though. Or, is that just pathetic?

mikki said...

You should run the price up so when I sell mine I see a little cash on the investment.

The word verification for this comment is "hbwew," if you were wondering.

Terri said...

She'd be shocked to see the name of the person she was shipping the article too (YOU!). She may be a crazed fan, so you don't want her to have your mailing address.

Bel Air said...

Mikki- you have a copy of that? You're like sugar.